ELA 10

Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird - online copy, audio and daily readings

Disc 1 - https://vimeo.com/channels/1049685/83032396

Disc 2 - https://vimeo.com/81355363

Disc 3 - https://vimeo.com/81939528

Disc 4 - https://vimeo.com/81939529

Disc 5 - https://vimeo.com/81961595

Disc 6 - https://vimeo.com/83555648

Disc 7 - https://vimeo.com/83555647

Disc 8 - https://vimeo.com/83555523

Disc 9 - https://vimeo.com/84772248

Disc 10 - https://vimeo.com/84771981

Disc 11 - https://vimeo.com/84772475

Online copy http://ehwalter.btps.ca/documents/general/To-Kill-a-Mockingbird-Complete.pdf


March 15 - read to 15:31 in Chapter 1

March 16 - read to end of Chapter 1 audio 36:10 - work on Chapter 1 questions and Colour/Symbol/ Image project

March 17 - read Chapter 2, audio from 36:10-58:48 - work on chapter 2 questions 

March 18 - Literary terms test, reading to page 36 Chapter 3 58:48 disc 1 to 10:28 Disc 2  and then working on questions

March 19 - no school

March 22 - vocab test moved to tomorrow, read handouts #2,#3, #4 and #5, read to end of Chapter 4 - 34:18 on audio. Work on questions. 

March 23 - vocab test, worked on assignments, read chapter 5, completed the case study prediction worksheets

March 24 - read chapters 6, 7 to end of audio 2 and then onto audio 3 - 21:20 - check prediction sheets, work on assignments

March 25 - read chapter 8 and 9 to page 88, disc 3 56:38 - work on assignments

March 26 -   read chapter 9 from page 88 to end of Chapter 9 audio disc 4 - 20:28 - work on assignments

March 29 - read chapter 10 and part of chapter 11to audio disc 4 54:10 -

Chapters 1-11 matching and MC quiz tomorrow

Chapter question TKAM chapters 12-30

March 30 - finish chapter 11- take quiz - to audio disc 5 to 9:44

 March 31 read chapters 12 and 13 to end of disc 5 - work on questions

April 1 read chapters 14 and 15 to 55:44 on disc 6 - work on questions

April 12 read chapters 16 and 17- work on questions audio - disc 7 at 33:06

April 13 read  - finish chapter 17 - work on questions disc 7 to 50:43

April 14 read chapters 18 to disc 8 9:23 - work on questions 

April 15 read chapter 19 to disc 8 36:54, quiz then work on questions

April 16 read chapter 20 plus into chapter 21 to 1:05:11 on disc 8- work on questions

April 19 read - finish Chapter 21, read 22 and part of 23 - work on questions on disc 9 to 18:33

April 20 read finish chapter 23, chapter 24- work on questions

April 21 - Chapter 25, 26-work on questions

April 22 - Chapter 27, 28 to end of disc 10-work on questions disc 10 27:26

April 23 - Finish Chapter 28 and read Chapter 29-work on questions

April 26 - Chapter 30 and 31 - hand in all overdue work for this semester if you want it marked

April 27 - Final exam and start film study

April 28 -

April 29 - 

April 30 - 




Thursdays - Literary terms quiz EVERY Thursday!!!


Forms of irony - March 9

Situational - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqg6RO8c_W0

Verbal - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiR-bnCHIYo

Dramatic - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZFYuX84n1U

The Merchant of Venice - audio


MARCH 1 - Act 1, Scene 1 - end at 12:26 on audio

March 2 - review components of a plot - https://www.khanacademy.org/ela/cc-2nd-reading-vocab/xfb4fc0bf01437792:cc-2nd-the-moon/xfb4fc0bf01437792:close-reading-fiction/v/the-elements-of-a-story-reading

Literary terms test

March 3 - read to Act 2 Scene 2

March 4 - read to end of Act 2, scene 7 and write/answer in your writing book -

1. Which casket would you choose? and


March 5 - read to end of Act 2, scene 9 - work on data sheet and plot sheet

March 8 - read to page 169 - end of Act3,Scene 4

March 9 - read to page 205  Act 4, scene 2

March 10 - finish play, complete data sheet and other work

March 11 - review forms of irony

March 12 - literary terms test


Thesis statement review and assignment - Due March 2


Thesis Statement Review

Thesis Statement:

1. States what you are proving.

2. Is one sentence

3. Is the last sentence of the introduction usually

4. Does not use the words “I,” “me,” or “you.”

5. Will contains a transition word or phrase such as “due to” or “because.”

6. Will contain elements that will be used to support what you are proving.

Practice: for each set of choices, select the one choice you favour more. Write a

complete thesis statement for the topic, providing reasons that support your

choice. Thesis statement should be logos (logic as opposed to emotion or ethics).

1. Which is the better season in your town – summer or winter?

2. Which sport is more physically demanding – soccer or basketball?

3. Where should more money be spent for research – AIDS, cancer or heart disease?

4. Is it better to have health or wealth?

5. Which gender has it easier – male or female?

6. Which is more humane – capital punishment or life imprisonment?

Study Literary Terms! and On Exambank.ca

All students were provided with a detailed literary terms list booklet to study from. 

I provided students with  exambank login and password, but if forgotten, just ask. 

The Merchant of Venice - February 2021 assignment - class time was provided weeks of Feb. 11-Feb. 25

All answers should be in complete sentences and should be at least four sentences long per question.  Sentences should be written at, or above, grade level.

Use a Google Doc and SHARE with me when you are totally finished with the tasks.

  • How can you tell if a play or film is supposed to be a comedy?  What are the necessary qualities a comedy must possess to be a comedy?
  • Agree or disagree: You should always show mercy to others.
  • Agree or disagree: If someone hurts you, they deserve to be hurt equally in return.
  • Agree or disagree: The law should be obeyed by everyone equally.
  • Agree or disagree: The law should be bent or changed to accommodate individual circumstances.
  • Agree or disagree: Wealth is not the same as privilege in a society.
  • Agree or disagree: It is ethical and appropriate for defense attorneys to use legal loopholes in order to free their clients.

Research Questions

  1. What is usury?
  2. Why were Christians forbidden by their church to lend money at interest?
  3. What is the origin of the word “ghetto”?
  4. Write short (1/2-page) biography of Shakespeare, including country of origin, dates of birth/death, three major works, basic political situation or major events occurring during his lifetime.
  5. What profession or professions were European Jews allowed to practice during the Renaissance?
  6. One technique of literary composition is to take an important word or idea and repeat it as a motif throughout the literary work.  One key word for Shakespeare in this play is “bond.”  Find at least three different definitions for this word and explain the differences among the words.  At least one definition should include the contractual or legal sense of this word.
  7. One important technique of reading is to take a general idea an author brings up and see if you can find a similar or analogous idea or situation in your own society or experience.  Shakespeare details some of the problems that moneylending can cause in this play.  What would be a modern equivalent of moneylending?  Describe at least one of the problems that moneylending (or its modern equivalent) can cause to individuals or a society at large.
  8. Is it ethically or morally justifiable to compel someone to change his or her philosophical, ethical, or religious beliefs if you believe those beliefs are harmful?

NOTE: For the above questions, I expect you to seek out reliable sources of information and cite them in your answers. You may not use Wikipedia.  You also may not use any Internet resource ending in or including the tag “.com.” I also want you to paraphrase your answers – do not just copy words but put them in your own language and own terms.

  1. Lincoln warned the South that they essentially had no right to secede, whereas he himself had sworn an oath before God to protect the country.  (Source: http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/abrahamlincoln)


The Merchant of Venice - Royal Shakespearean Company production


The Tempest

Feb. 1-12 Reading, listening and filling out Data Sheet for exam. 

Personal Response test on Monday, Feb. 22 - have your data sheet completed

Literature Used, Topics and Themes Covered

Students will build on skills developed in the preceding year. Students will investigate literary themes, techniques and terminology, and develop insight of literature. Short stories, novels, essays, poetry, and drama make up the literature component of the course. The material will be organized to suit the needs of various classes – 10-1, 10-2, K&E. Activities will be employed in fashioning the course so as to suit a wide range of student abilities. Students will undertake a considerable amount of writing: some personal, some in response to the literature, some creative. In addition to improving their writing skills, students will develop expertise in editing and in improving their critical and analytical thinking. Students will be guided in strengthening reading skills and strategies. 

Topics and Content 

Shakespearean Study of The Tempest and The Merchant of Venice

Novel Inquiry -To Kill a Mockingbird 

Contemporary Play  - Death of a Salesman

Poetry (Dramatic Monologue) Ulysses – Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Short Stories and Poetry (Sonnets and Various Poetry)


Themes Covered

How do we form and shape our personal identity?

How do people deal with change?

When is it appropriate to challenge the beliefs or values of society?

Is love a feeling or a choice?

What is the relationship between career, success, and happiness?

Final - prepare

Study for exam on Exam Bank - please note that not all literature is in just one grade level

General Reading Comprehension - Grade 10

Ulysses - Grade 11 

TKA Mockingbird - Grade 10

Death of a Salesman Grade 12

Literary Terms and Elements - Grade 10

Ulysses - study of poem

Analytical Essay #1 due 2021

Analytical Essay #1

Students are also able to write on whether human motivation in regards to whether Ulysses' next adventure is death or whether he is looking hopefully towards a new future.


Starting To Kill a Mockingbird