ELA 30

Review for Hamlet tests








in Grade 12 LA30-1 - scroll down to novel study and take tests.

Assignments and Tests

Projects 1 and 2 for Indian Horse - due by Dec. 18

Project 3 -due by Jan. 8

Jan. 4 read "One Generation from Extinction" in handout I gave you, read pages 157-171 -discussion and  fact-based and issue-based article analysis sheets 

Jan. 5 read pages 171-188 -discussion and fact-based and issue-based article analysis sheets 

Jan. 6 read pages 189-203 -discussion and fact-based and issue-based article analysis sheets 

Jan. 7 read pages 204-221 - discussion and fact-based and issue-based article analysis sheets 

Jan. 8  - prep and check up time for essays and responses


ALL ASSIGNMENTS FOR ELA 30 MUST BE IN BY JANUARY 18 if you what them entered into your mark. I WILL NOT take any after this date!!

Jan. 11 - personal response to Hamlet - 60 minutes provided - data sheets, transition sheets and dictionary and thesaurus allowed. 

Jan. 12 - final MC/ Short Answer exam for Hamlet - no data sheets etc. allowed

Jan. 14 - Critical/Analytical Essay or Literary Exploration of Indian Horse

- 90 minutes (you can get extra time if you come earlier to start) I teach back to back classes so by 1:50 I will need to leave my room and lock the door.

Jan. 18 - ALL work due

Monday, Jan. 18  - Final EXAM in class time  PART A- there is absolutely no other time this test can be written, so do not miss it, as it is worth part of the 30% of your final mark

Tuesday, Jan. 19 - Final EXAM in class time  PART B- there is absolutely no other time this test can be written, so do not miss it, as it is worth part of the 30% of your final mark


Indian Horse Project Step 3 - 5 Pivotal People

Jan. 4, Monday  -we will begin with a video about what reconciliation is all about. 


-read "One Generation from Extinction" in handout I gave you, discussion,

-read pages 157-171

- and work to complete discussion and  fact-based and issue-based article analysis sheets 

STEP 3:  5 Pivotal People - Influence Of Individuals On Self 

In this third step of the project, through writing, you need to:

1. identify people in your lives who have influenced you, and whose values and expertise you rely on.

2. provide the reasons, and/or examples or anecdotes, to clarity to the reader why there is a connection. 

Please note - Often students identify friends, family members, religious leaders or teachers.

This portion of the assignment allows me, as the teacher, to connect with you as we move into our study of the Cultural genocide and explore the people who matter to us, and imagine what our lives might be like if those people were taken away.

We explore questions like:

  • Who would you rely on if these pivotal people weren’t there?
  • What effect would this have on you?


Indian Horse assignments

Dec. 7 - read first essay in photocopied handout "Growing Up Native", and read Indian Horse - must read 15 pages at least per class

Dec. 8  - review again  Project 1, reading Indian Horse to page 30 - cover Project 2

Dec. 9 - read Indian Horse from page 31 to page 47. Time provided to work on assignments/projects -30 minutes

Dec. 10 read essay I am a Native of North America in the photocopied handout I sent home with you and read from page 47 to page 66 in Indian Horse

Dec. 11 - to be working on all assignments after "check up" with Mrs. Lamb online and reading from page 66 to page 82

Dec. 14 - read New York Times article and CBC article:



Assignment - summarize the two news articles in 2 paragraphs each (so minimum of 4 paragraphs) Make sure you cite the articles - titles and authors - due by Jan. 8

Read pages 83-98 -  take notes, cite quotes ...

Dec. 15 - symbolism discussion - read pages 99-115 - go through fact-based and issue-based article analysis sheets and related assignment - due Jan. 8 

Dec. 16 read pages 116-128 -and article reading https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/residential-schools-end-healing-fund-1.5814505


Dec. 17 read pages 129-144 - and article reading



Dec. 18 read pages 145- 157 - discussion  -  fact-based and issue-based article analysis sheets 

Jan. 4 read "One Generation from Extinction" in handout I gave you, read pages 157-171 -discussion and  fact-based and issue-based article analysis sheets 

Jan. 5 read pages 171-188 -discussion and fact-based and issue-based article analysis sheets 

Jan. 6 read pages 189-203 -discussion and fact-based and issue-based article analysis sheets 

Jan. 7 read pages 204-221 - discussion and fact-based and issue-based article analysis sheets 

Jan. 8  - prep and check up time for essays and responses

Jan. 14 - Critical/Analytical Essay or Literary Exploration of Indian Horse - 90 minutes (you can get extra time if you come earlier to start) I teach back to back classes so by 1:50 I will need to leave my room and lock the door.

Who or That?

Who or That?

Rule: Who refers to people. That may refer to people, animals, groups, or things, but who is preferred when referring to people.

Example: Anya is the one who rescued the bird.
NOTE: While Anya is the one that rescued the bird is also correct, who is preferred.

Example: Lope is on the team that won first place.

Example: She belongs to an organization that specializes in saving endangered species.
NOTE: While teams and organizations are composed of people, they are considered groups. However, this matter is not always clear-cut. Consider this sentence: “Several of the university’s scientists who/that favored the new policy attended the meeting.” Which is correct, who or that? Does “university’s scientists” seem more like individual people than a group? In cases like this, you may use your own judgment.

Dec.7 - handout and video - due Dec. 9

Complete question 1, 2 and then watch video - We Were Children. Answer questions 3, 4.  All questions MUST be answered in full complete sentences! Hand in work by Friday, Nov. 2. 

Day 1 Lesson 1 Student Worksheet

https://vimeo.com/71073423 We Were Children

Hamlet - read all assignments and dates

Nov. 30 - we are starting from page 187 - Act 3, Scene 4 and film 2:10:54 and we read to page 235

Dec. 1 - start at page 235 read to page 287 line 168 - watch film

Dec. 2- start at page 287 line 168 and read to page 321, line 379

Dec. 3 finish the few lines left of the play.


1. In the role of Hamlet, who has already experienced a premonition of death (line 203), write a letter to your mother, expressing your final thoughts to her. 

2. Just before Hamlet dies, he says to Horatio,

      If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart,

      Absent thee from felicity a while,

      And in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain,

      To tell my story. (Act 5,Scene 2, lines 339-342)

In about 200 words, write a letter from Horatio to Hamlet's friends in Wittenberg, with the aim of helping them understand the shocking news of their friend Hamlet's death. 

Dec. 4 - check in and work on assignments

ALL ASSIGNMENTS FOR ELA 30 MUST BE IN BY JANUARY 18 if you what them entered into your mark. I WILL NOT take any after this date!!

Jan. 11 - personal response to Hamlet - 60 minutes provided - data sheets, transition sheets and dictionary and thesaurus allowed. 

Jan. 12 - final MC/ Short Answer exam for Hamlet - no data sheets etc. allowed

Jan. 14 - Critical/Analytical Essay or Literary Exploration of Indian Horse - 90 minutes (you can get extra time if you come earlier to start) I teach back to back classes so by 1:50 I will need to leave my room and lock the door.

Hamlet reading and assignments

Nov. 23 Tweeting activity and Reading Test

Go to the following Prezi and as you watch it, stop and make your Twitter entries on a piece of lined paper with your name at the top. Hand in for marking after completed.

 Tweet/journal https://prezi.com/fmqk57_4e5q9/copy-of-hamlet-prereading-activity/

Nov. 24 - reading - read the summaries which come prior to the scenes in each act

Read to End of Act 1 Scene 4 - page 61

Hamlet - a Kenneth Branach Film - to 38:44 - follows the original play almost exactly


Nov. 23-30- Copy of "Hamlet"


Nov. 25 read to Act 2 Scene 2 line 169 then do Hamlet Letter assignment

Hamlet letter

The Bean Trees - online book - use site address below



Reflections written for each of the Chapters listed below - Remember to fill out Data Sheet for the novel

Chapter 4

Chapter 6

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

MC test

Reflection prompts - Pick one or two below or get an idea okayed by Mrs. Lamb and write your reflection.

Writing about themes, topics, symbols or motifs presented in the chapters is perfectly acceptable.

1.  Explain a character's problem and then offer your character advice on how to solve his/her problem.  

2.  Explain how a character is acting and why you think the character is acting that way. 

3.  From what you've read so far, make predictions about what will happen next and explain what in the text makes you think it will happen.  

4.  Pick one character and explain why you would/would not like to have him/her as a friend.  

5.  Describe and explain why you would/would not like to have lived in the time or place of the story.  

6.  What real-life people or events are you reminded of by characters or events in the story?  Explain why. 

7.  Write about what would happen if you brought one of your characters to school or home for a day.  

8.  Pick a scene in which you disagreed how a character handled a situation/person and rewrite it in the way you think it should have happened.  

9.  What quality of which character strikes you as a good characteristic to develop within yourself over the years?  Why?  How does the character demonstrate this quality?  

10.  Who tells the story?  Is this the best person to tell it?  Why?  

11.  How would the story be different if told through another character's eyes?  

12.  Why do you think the author wrote this story?  

13.  If you were the author, would you have ended the story in a different way?  Why?  How so?  

14.  How does the character's actions affect other people in the story?  

15.  How does the author provide information or details to make the story seem realistic?  

16.  How does the author help you feel that you are really there (in both realistic stories and fantasy)? 

17.  Do you have any unanswered questions about the story?  Explain.  

18.  Copy an interesting/confusing/important/enjoyable passage and explain why you chose it. 

19.  From what you've read so far, make predictions about what will happen next and explain what in the text makes you think it will happen.

20.  Explain some of the things that you have learned so far that you are not likely to forget in the near future. 

21.  Write to inform us about the author.  What other articles and/or books has the author written?  Is he/she one of your favorite authors, and if so, why? 


ELA 30 Information Bulletin






The Crucible - Act 4 starts on page 86


Historical events and The Crucible - presentation and poster due Oct. 26

Poster Assignment

Make a letter sized poster from paper provided by teacher. Select your topic from handout. 1and 1/2 hours provided

Scoring guide for historical project

Some websites are available on how to create a good poster - use this for Social 30 too


Here Are Some Essential Tips You Should Consider When Designing A Poster

  1. It Should Be Readable From A Distance. 
  2. Create Some Contrast. 
  3. Consider The Location of Pictures and Diagrams.
  4. Stand Out - Colours and Designs
  5. Make It Scalable. (if you use larger paper do not have lots of negative space)
  6. Use A Big Image. 
  7. Make Good Use Of Space. 


Act 2, Act 3 Act 4 The Crucible - study pages for MC and a few short answers test October 27








Questions you should be able to answer:
1) What is an allegory?
2) How is The Crucible allegorical? What is it an allegory for?
3) What message is the play attempting to convey?
4) To what extent is the play historically accurate?
5) Where/when does The Crucible take place?
6) Why does Miller feel that he can alter history?
Background notes:
7) In the background notes, what does Miller reveal about the Puritan life-style?
8) What system of government do the Puritans follow? From where does the government get its power, in their opinion?
9) What is a meeting? What is a meeting house?
10) What is the Puritan view of children?
11) How do the Puritans view indigenous Americans?
12) How do the Puritans feel about religious tolerance?

Big Ideas to consider:
13) What would you consider to be the universal message or theme of the play?
14) What does Miller believe is the cause of hysteria and panic?
15) What happens when a person, or a community, becomes grotesque and has only ONE truth?
16) What claim(s) is Miller making about human nature?
17) How is John Proctor a hero? How is he a tragic hero? (archetype notes should help you here)
18) Do you believe the play has any relationship to modern society? To our society? What is that relationship?



Oct. 19-23 Dramatic/Poetic monologue study

  1. the reader is the listener
  2. the author/character is making an argument/case

Parent note for September

Grade 12 

Students will build on skills developed in the preceding year. Students will develop a thorough understanding of literary themes, techniques, and terminology. Short stories, novels, essays, poetry and drama make up the literature component of this course. Activities will be employed in fashioning the course so as to suit a wide range of student abilities and to build skills for the world of work, to instill in students a life-long love of and appreciation for literature, and to prepare students for the requirements of the government diploma examination. Students will undertake a considerable amount of writing: some personal, some in response to the literature, some creative. In addition to improving their writing skills, students will develop expertise in editing and in improving their critical and analytical thinking. Students will be guided in strengthening reading skills and strategies.

Study!! http://moodle2.perd.ca/course/view.php?id=342

Diploma Tests - DO NOT BOOK HOLIDAYS!!!!

Jan. 11, 2021 - written Part A

Jan. 21, 2021 - reading Part B

Tests - examples 30-1 and 30-2


DIP sample prompts

Part A Practice: Sample Assignment Prompts:

  • conflict between pursuing a personal desire and choosing to conform
  • interplay between how individuals perceive themselves and are perceived by others
  • interplay between fear and foresight when individuals make life-altering choices
  • how acts of courage develop and nurture personal integrity
  • the ways in which individuals struggle to restore honour and certainty
  • significance of idealism and truth in an individual's life
  • ways in which individuals pursue or compromise their happiness
  • ways in which individuals take responsibility for themselves or others


Outline of English 30

English 30-1, 30-2

My focus is you – your future success is important to me. Therefore I will seek to provide a positive classroom environment in which you can learn and create.  My efforts will be centered on helping you prepare for your future by developing strong communication skills, exploring life themes and differing perspectives through literature and by aiding you in discovering or clarifying your inner and outer worlds through reading and writing activities.

Expectations and Rules

In these two classes there are only 79 days to cover and learn content and skills that may be pertinent to your future or the future of others. Please be respectful of the teacher, others in the class and your own future throughout the 79 days in the classroom. Attend classes!

There will be no personal technology or electronics allowed in the classroom. Turn it off and put it away or risk losing it for the day if I see it or hear it. You are more important than any device!

No food and no drinks, other than water, will be allowed. You are more important than any distractions.

Both periods each day will be instructional periods, so be to class on time, be prepared to read and write each day and be prepared to discuss topics or ask questions that are related to the readings.

Study your term sheets! You must know what they mean.

If you make the choice to be continually disrespectful, or choose to interrupt the learning environment of others, you will be directly invited to work in another area.

Do not plagiarize to complete assignments. Plagiarized work will be given a zero and will require you to redo the assignment. Take the easy way out- write original work!

Please note that test and exam dates will be posted in the class and online. Your job is to be prepared and try your best.

If you miss a class, you are responsible to look online or ask, before or after class, for the assignment.

If you miss an in-class essay or test you must write it during a lunch hour or after school promptly upon your return to school. So make arrangements accordingly.

Missing assignments will have a zero mark until you hand them in. You are accountable to get them in on time. To help you, assignments will be listed online. Marks are available online. 

If you have a concern or complaint please address me first about it. This should be done as soon as a problem occurs. Most instances causing concern come from misunderstandings or incomplete understandings. Please remember that I will listen to you and I care about your education!

At times you will have to work on reading, writing and other assignments out of school hours. There will not be enough time in every class each day to cover all of the work. Please be organized and use class time wisely!

Writing and critical analysis will be marked using the Alberta Education Rubric. Their Standards will be my standards and guidelines. Those can be viewed online at Alberta Education anytime.

 ELA 30-1, 30-2 – 2 periods per day

September –first day classes – Alberta Education Testing outline provided and reviewed, reading list provided, expectations and rules outlined, term study sheets and vocab sheet provided

September - Short Story Unit - Elements of the Short Story - Theme

  1. Sonny’s Blues – James Baldwin
  2. Boys and Girls – Alice Munro
  3. Miss Brill – Katherine Mansfield
  4. The Rocking Horse Winner – D.H. Lawrence
  5. A & P – John Updike

The Crucible – Arthur Miller – Play

Selected Poems and Poetry Elements - Ulysses and My Last Duchess

Novel Inquiry 

Fiction - Indian Horse

Novel inquiry

Fiction -The Bean Trees

Hamlet Study – Shakespeare

Film study – Dead Poets Society


Terms and then Review – be there

2021 Diploma Exams – January 11 and 21


Sonny's Blues

Sonny’s Blues – James Baldwin - started Sept. 4


Charlie (Yardbird) Parker – K.C. Blues https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ubmw5jvRvZU

 Albert Collins – dirty dishes blues - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60f7s4iy86s

 Harlem renaissance - http://www.history.com/topics/roaring-twenties/videos/the-harlem-renaissance

 bio. James Baldwin http://www.biography.com/people/james-baldwin-9196635


James Baldwin reading - Audio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQebOxg29h4  Only goes to bottom of page 126.


In class open book cloze assignment, Personal Response test 


Boys and Girls by Alice Munro - Handed out Sept. 14 for students to read, questions handed out Sept. 14

Class time provided to finish questions.

Assignment questions need to be completed and handed in on Sept. 18. 

Miss Brill - Sept. 22 - letter writing assignment due Sept. 25

Take  "Miss Brill" and read carefully - in response write a fully edited letter to a character of your choice for the story- write at your ELA 30 level. Hand in by Friday, Sept 25. 

A & P by John Updike Sept. 25 and handout with questions provided - due Sept. 30


Sept. 30 Data Sheets for all stories due!

Be prepared and have your data sheets completed.

Elements of a Play

Elements of a play

The 6 Elements of a Play:

- Plot – action/events (soul and story of the play)

- Characters – people in the play

- Thought – emotions, themes, feelings, in the play

- Diction – language in the play

- Song (Sound) – audible (actors voices, music, etc)

- Spectacle – visual


Aristotelian Plot Structure:

- Exposition – background information (who, what, where, why, when; normal life)

- Inciting Incident – an action that sets the conflict in action (normal life changes)

- Rising Action – the story thickens and obstacles arise

- Climax – highest point of the play (most emotional, the choice, etc.)

- Falling Action – wrapping up loose ends of the story - Denouement – the resolution




Usable Outline for Critical Analysis Writing

Essay writing – Focus on Universal Themes and Topics


First paragraph:

  1. – idea outlined in complex compound sentences – theme statement
  2. In other words,
  3. For example,   (societal)
  4. One might argue, that  author’s name in   title of text  , he/she is suggesting …


Body Paragraphs

-topic sentences must be complex sentence structure – to provide evidence - FOCUS ON MATTER


SAY – very, very little 












Sonnet Writing Assignment related to topic of "Bean Trees"

Sonnet Writing reviewed!

Name _______________

Write your lines in iambic pentameter (duh-DUH-duh-DUH-duh-DUH-duh-DUH-duh-DUH.

Topic - a female in your life - Mother, Grandma, Aunt, Sister, Girlfriend, Friend ....

You’re writing the most familiar kind of sonnet, the Shakespearean, the rhyme scheme is as follows:















Every A rhymes with every A, every B rhymes with every B, and so forth. You’ll notice this type of sonnet consists of three quatrains (that is, four consecutive lines of verse that make up a stanza or division of lines in a poem) and one couplet (two consecutive rhyming lines of verse).

How a sonnet tells a story

Ah, but there’s more to a sonnet than just the structure of it. A sonnet is also an argument — it builds up a certain way. And how it builds up is related to its metaphors and how it moves from one metaphor to the next. In a Shakespearean sonnet, the argument builds up like this:

  • First quatrain: An exposition of the main theme and main metaphor.
  • Second quatrain: Theme and metaphor extended or complicated; often, some imaginative example is given.
  • Third quatrain: Peripeteia (a twist or conflict), often introduced by a “but” (very often leading off the ninth line).
  • Couplet: Summarizes and leaves the reader with a new, concluding image.

Dec.7 - testing Act 2 Hamlet, set up for Act 4 presentations by students due Dec.


Group 1 (scenes 1 and 6) - 

Group 2 (scenes 2 and 7) - 

Group 3 - Scene 3 - 

Group 4 - Scene 4 - 

Group 5 - Scene 5 - 

Jan. 8 Study help for Part A


2015 https://archive.education.alberta.ca/media/15337574/08-ela30-1-eosw-jan2015_20151203.pdf

2014 https://archive.education.alberta.ca/media/15220895/06-ela30-1-eosw-jan2014_20150514.pdf

2013 https://archive.education.alberta.ca/media/8770643/08_ela30-1_eosw_jan2013.pdf